2025 University of Toronto Teaching & Learning Symposium


About Kathleen Olmstead

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So far Kathleen Olmstead has created 51 blog entries.

Optimizing Access: Using H5P to Venture Far with The BRIDGE’s Entrepreneurship Open Learning Series


A part of 2.3 Lightning Talk session Sarah Shujah, Library Librarian, University of Toronto Scarborough Bill McConkey Academic Director, New Venture Program, and Assistant Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship, UTSC Dave Fenton, Industry Partnerships, Innovation, and Work-Integrated Learning Lead, Department of Management, UTSC Mariana Jardim, Liaison Librarian, Management & Economics, Entrepreneurship & Co-op, UTSC Library Al Hearn, Educational Developer for Experiential Learning, The Centre for Teaching and Learning, UTSC Danielle Moed, Experiential Learning Educational Developer, Office of Experiential Learning and Outreach Support, Faculty of Arts & Science Shreyansh Banthia, Computer Science Graduate Student, International, St. George Innovation is [...]

Optimizing Access: Using H5P to Venture Far with The BRIDGE’s Entrepreneurship Open Learning Series2022-05-05T11:30:30-04:00

Investigating Mathematical Reading Comprehension


A part of 3.1 Inquiry on Teaching and Learning Poster + Talk View PDF of poster Jaimal Thind, Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream, Mathematical and Computational Sciences, UTM Alexander Rennet, Assistant Professor Teaching Stream, Mathematical and Computational Sciences, UTM Micheal Pawliuk, Assistant Professor Teaching Stream, Mathematical and Computational Sciences, UTM Parker Glynn-Adey, Assistant Professor Teaching Stream, Computer and Mathematical Sciences, UTSC In 2019 the authors undertook a major redesign of a large, coordinated, multi-section introductory mathematics course (MAT223H5 - Linear Algebra I). The original redesign was centred around a partially-flipped, active learning model involving pre-class reading and in-class activities, rather [...]

Investigating Mathematical Reading Comprehension2022-05-05T11:20:36-04:00

Shifting and Shaping How we Teach and Learn: Introducing Business and Chemistry Students to Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Issues via Global and Inter-disciplinary Group Projects


A part of 8.2 Inquiry on Teaching and Learning Poster + Talk View PDF of poster Nirusha Thavarajah, Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream, Physical and Environmental Sciences, UTSC Phani Radhakrishnan, Associate Professor, Teaching Stream, Management, UTSC Rajshree Ghosh Biswas, Ph.D. Candidate, Physical and Environmental Sciences, UTSC Vanshika Agarwal, Management, UTSC Ms. Jaffa Romain, BSc Candidate, Department of Statistics, University of Toronto In the Fall of 2021, we received funding from the University of Toronto International Relations Office to launch our inter-disciplinary, global course for students in Management and Chemistry taught by Professors Radhakrishnan and Thavarajah. This novel and unique course [...]

Shifting and Shaping How we Teach and Learn: Introducing Business and Chemistry Students to Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Issues via Global and Inter-disciplinary Group Projects2022-05-04T11:27:07-04:00

Learning to Lead – Bringing the body into leadership education


A part of 4.1 Lightning Talk session Janelle Joseph, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education This session highlights initial findings from a leadership program that invites students who identify as BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Colour) women at U of T to a movement experience centered around their physical and mental wellness. The program offers learning with and through the body, filling a gap in leadership programs that are overly sedentary and movement programs that are devoid of discussion about leadership skills --even as they are inherent or metaphorical to the movements being performed. Since leaders [...]

Learning to Lead – Bringing the body into leadership education2022-05-04T11:18:08-04:00

Creation of accessible modular interactive resources to increase student engagement and support


A part of 2.3 Lightning Talk session Vivienne Luk, Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream, Forensic Science Program, UTM Traditional subscription-based educational platforms (e.g., Labster, MEL Science, Pearson’s Mastering) are rigid and fixed in their content and activities and require students to pay to access. Even platforms that are advertised as free (e.g., edX, Coursera) only provide limited content, requiring additional cost to unlock a wider range of curriculum that educators cannot further modify for their purposes. Furthermore, with increased emphasis on EDI, a flexible platform allows educators to directly address any inequities and can apply modifications where necessary (e.g., [...]

Creation of accessible modular interactive resources to increase student engagement and support2022-05-10T12:05:00-04:00

Prevalence of the Impostor Phenomenon in U of T Computing Programs


A part of 5.3 Inquiry on Teaching and Learning Poster + Talk View PDF of poster Jennifer Campbell, Professor, Teaching Stream, Computer Science, FAS Michelle Craig, Professor, Teaching Stream, Computer Science, FAS Andrew Petersen, Associate Professor, Teaching Stream, Mathematical and Computational Sciences and Institute for the Study of University Pedagogy Angela Zavaleta-Bernuy, Course Instructor, Computer Science, FAS The Impostor Phenomenon (IP), identified by Clance and Imes in 1978, is characterized by the feeling that oneself is not as capable or successful as others believe. This feeling has been well documented in multiple fields – such as medicine and in [...]

Prevalence of the Impostor Phenomenon in U of T Computing Programs2022-05-04T11:53:28-04:00

Building a Pedagogy of Transfer Through Undergraduate Journal Publications


A part of 4.2 Inquiry on Teaching and Learning Poster + Talk View PDF of poster Kaitlyn Harris, 3rd Year Student, English Paige France, 2nd Year Student, Studies in Life Sciences Christopher Eaton, Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream, Institute for the Study of University Pedagogy This session will reflect on an experiential learning opportunity that invited students to join a faculty-run academic publication as reviewers and editorial assistants. For the past two years Writing for University and Beyond, has involved students in the publication experience. We report on how the experiences students had with this publication translated to other parts [...]

Building a Pedagogy of Transfer Through Undergraduate Journal Publications2022-05-04T10:57:59-04:00

Community Engaged Learning (CEL): Creating Relationships and Maintaining Connections with the local Indigenous Community


A part of 8.3 Inquiry on Teaching and Learning Poster + Talk View PDF of poster Sherry Fukuzawa, Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream, Anthropology Dr. Nicole Laliberte, Associate Professor, Teaching Stream, Department of Geography, Geomatics, and Environment Erica de Souza, Research Assistant, University of Toronto Isabella Bustos, Research Assistant, University of Toronto Councillor Veronica King-Jamieson, Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation Tienne Johnson, University of Toronto Juwyriyah Ahmed, University of Toronto ANT241H, Anthropology and Indigenous Peoples of Turtle Island is a Community-engaged learning (CEL) course at the University of Toronto Mississauga (UTM) which sits upon the Territories of the Mississaugas [...]

Community Engaged Learning (CEL): Creating Relationships and Maintaining Connections with the local Indigenous Community2022-05-04T10:38:57-04:00

To V or not to V? Moving from In-person to Virtual Examination of Clinical Performance for PA Learners


A part of 4.2 Inquiry on Teaching and Learning Poster + Talk View PDF of poster Sharona Kanofsky, Associate Professor, Teaching Stream, Physician Assistant Program, Department of Family and Community Medicine, Temerty Faculty of Medicine Dr. Peter Tzakas, Program Director, Department of Family and Community Medicine, Physician Assistant Program In this session, we will describe our experience shifting from an in-person to virtual examination format. The Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) is a common, often high-stakes, performance examination in which medical learners demonstrate their clinical competence in history-taking, physical examination, clinical reasoning, diagnosis, treatment, and more. The OSCE helps [...]

To V or not to V? Moving from In-person to Virtual Examination of Clinical Performance for PA Learners2022-05-04T11:45:37-04:00

Need-Supportive Teaching in Times of Upheaval: A Self-Determination Theoretical Exploration


A part of 5.3 Inquiry on Teaching and Learning Poster + Talk View PDF of poster Molly Metz, Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream, Psychology, FAS Reina Trujillo-Stryzak, Undergraduate Student, Psychology, FAS How did our students experience their courses in AY 2020-2021? Self-determination theory (SDT) is a motivational framework that highlights the importance of basic psychological need satisfaction in fostering autonomous motivation and ultimately optimizing functioning, and well-being (Ryan & Deci, 2000). In educational settings, teaching practices and policies that support students’ basic needs for competence, relatedness, and autonomy have been shown to enhance student engagement and learning (Jang, Kim, & [...]

Need-Supportive Teaching in Times of Upheaval: A Self-Determination Theoretical Exploration2022-05-04T10:23:11-04:00
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